perm filename TR[AM,DBL]1 blob sn#572318 filedate 1981-03-17 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Urtay Saln
C00010 00003	Duke Gregor Saln
C00016 00004	Ship name: U18-0      Class: Tin Rabbit  (custom designed yacht)
C00024 00005	Ship name: U18-0      Class: Tin Rabbit  (custom designed yacht)
C00033 ENDMK
Urtay Saln

ST 9  DX 11  END 7  INT 8   ED 5   SOC 3

Age 18, enlisted in the Army Mercenary Infantry.
	Basic training. Receive Combat Rifleman 1.
	Advanced training. Recon 1.
	Special assignment: OCS. High-Engergy Weap 1, Admin 1.
	As 2nd Lt., goes on staff assignment and on raid.
		rec. Purple Heart, MCUF, MCG. Promoted.
		rec. skill level in gun: Comb Rifle 2.
	Special assign. to Intelligence school. Receives
		Forgery 1, Bribery 1, Streetwise 1, Interrogation 1.
	His unit is sent out on a counter-insurgency task,
		he is promoted to 1st Lt. and acquires +1 DX.
Age 22, he reenlists. Special assignment to Commando school.
	Receives Brawling 1, Comb Rifleman 3, Demolitions 1,
	Wilderness Survival 1, Recon 2, Vac Suit 1, Bayonet 1, Instruc 1.
	Joins commando arm of the army.  General assign. to Command.
	Goes on raid. Rec. MCUF. Promoted to Capt. Receive Recon 2.
	Goes on training. Receives Demolitions 2.
	Goes on training. Receives Comb. Rifle 3.
	Goes on raid. Receives Energy Weapons 2.
Age 26. Attempted to reeinlist but failed.  Mustering benefits:
	$10k, Gauss rifle w/ elec sights & RAM GL, Combat Rifleman 4, +2 Educ.
	Buys special combo Reflec & Cloth armor, made to appear as
		street clothes, for double price ($3500);  metal detector;
		compass; watch; inertial locator; light intensifier goggles;
		IR goggles; lock pick; disguise set, 2 Slow, 2 Double.
	Gets scholarship to Psionics Institute (PSI power now 10!)
		Has talent for Teleport, Awareness, and Telepathy.
	By age 28, has achieved level 10 in both awareness and telepathy,
		still at level 3 in teleport (cannot yet do any skills therein)
	Started self-improvement pgm at age 26: Blade 1 and Combat Pistol 1.
Age 28. Sent to Epsilon Edridani V, to investigate disappearances of two
	merchant ships in the area.  Ship destroyed. Party of 7 makes it
	to surface in lifeboat, which is destroyed soon after landing.
	The planet is fully automated, and after several battles the group
	makes contact with a local ape-man tribe.  Its Shaman agrees to
	create a diversion while the group attacks the installation which
	was the point of origin of the beams destroying the ship. After
	a pitched battle, the conscious survivors penetrate the complex,
	and slowly take it, level by level.  After all warrior robots are
	destroyed, and the armory secured, the other robots are allowed
	to continue working on their current project: spaceship construction.
	Group totally destroys the beam weapon of the complex, and
	escapes offworld in the constructed ship (about 2 months later).
	Patron pays 100,000Cr per person for the successful mission.
	We sell the ship, each receiving $143MCr.  The other loot consists
	of a cache of weapons: Urtay's share is 12 blaster pistols, each
	with 50 power cells (each with 40 blasts); does 6d6 ignoring armor.
	Starts looking for light, armored ship, and PGMP15 weapons.
Age 29. TP level 5. Finds ship (goes in with Count Saln, his uncle) and
	one PGMP15. Total funds remaining are 63MCr.


	Personal teleport R
	Detect Life 1+R, Telempathy 1+R, Read Thoughts 2+R, Send Thoughts 2+R,
	Probe 8+R, Assault 13 [only when Double is taken first]
	Suspended Animation 3, Psi to STR, Psi to END, Regenerate wounds,
	Shield (continuous and automatic)
Combat Rifleman 4, Recon 2, High-Engergy Weap 2, Admin 1,
Forgery 1, Bribery 1, Streetwise 1, Interrogation 1,
Brawling 1, Demolitions 2, Blade 1, Combat Pistol 1,
Wilderness Survival 1, Vac Suit 1, Bayonet 2, Instruc 1.

Weapon	Damage	Close Short Med Long VLong   0 Jack Mesh Cloth Refl Ablat Bat
------  ------  --------------------------   --------------------------------
GaussRifle 4D    +2    +7   +8   +13  +10    +4  +4  +2   +1    +4   +4    -2
 full auto (10r, 3 chances)+10   +15  +11    +7  +7  +5   +3    +7   +7     0
PlasmaGun  6D    +2    +2   +1    -1   -      0   0   0    0     0    0     0
FGMP15    16D     -     -   +7    +6   +6 (8D)4  +4  +4   +4    +4   +4    +3
Bayonet	   3D    +3    +6    -    -    -     +2  +1   0   -1    +2   -2    -6

Memberships, unusual possessions, armor, weapons, etc.
		(parenthesized wts. are carried, and add to 7kg)
Gauss rifle, with electronic sights, RAM GL, and 10 grenades of each type (9 kg)
FGMP15 (1kg) and Plasma Gun (1kg) with 50 spare power cells 
Battle Armor with Reflec underneath
Half interest in the "U18-0" yacht [8 yrs old, orig $199MCr]
Battle Armor
5 Slow, 3 Medical Slow, 5 Antidotes, 5 Fast Antidotes, 2 Fast, 
5 Truth, 10 Combat, 1 Anagathic, 2 Booster, 10 Double, 2 Special
Spare suit of "street clothes" (actually Reflec and Cloth armor)
Watch, Compass, intertial loc, IR and LI goggles, Lockpick, Disguise -> 2kg
Dehydrated food for 10 days and 3 canteens of water (5kg)
Duke Gregor Saln

ST 7  DX 10  END 7  INT 12  ED 9   SOC 15

Age 18, enters Naval Academy, succeeds, gains 0 in ED, honors.
	Acquires Vac Suit 1, Navig 1, Engin 1.
Age 22, enters medical school, succeeds, honors.
	Receives Medic 4, Admin 1, Comp 1.
Age 26, enters flight school, succeeds.
	Receives Pilot 2, Ships Boat 1, Navig 2.
Age 27, enters navy as Lt. (rank 03), starts short 3-year term.
	Basic & Adv training: gets Jock O'T and Electronics.
	Command Training. Promoted to Lt. Cdr.   Receive Leader 1.
	Command Patrol. Receive Ship Tactics 1.
Age 30, reenlists.  Staff college: Fleet Tac 1, Admin 2, Liason 1, Comp 2.
	Command Patrol. Receive Handgun 1.
	Staff Training. Receive Pilot 3.
	Staff patrol. No skills received. Promoted to Cdr.
Age 34, reenlists. Command Battle: rec. MCUF, +1 DX.
	Staff Special Recruiting. Receive Recruiting 1.
	Staff Special Intelligence School: Receive
		Forgery 1, Handgun 2, Bribery 1, Streetwise 1, Interrog 1.
	Staff Strike. Promoted to Captain (06). Receive ATV 1.
	Staff Patrol. Rec. handgun 3.
Age 38, reenlists. Staff Shore Duty. No skills.
	Command Training. Receive Leader 2.
	Staff Siege. Dec MCUF. Promoted to Commodore 07. Rec Pilot 4.
	Staff Training. Receives Pilot 5.
Age 42, reenlists. Special Staff College. Receive Fleet Tac 2,
		Admin 3, Liason 2, Computer 3.
	Command Patrol. Rec. Pilot 6.
	Staff Shore Duty. No skills.
	Staff Strike. Promoted to Admiral 08. Receive Pilot 7.
	Command patrol. Receive handgun 4.
Age 46, retires.  Mustering benefits include: +4 Social, Travellers,
	+3 Int, +2 Soc, Trav, and 51000Cr. Retirement 8000Cr/yr.
	Embarks on personal improvement program: Energy weapon 1 & Blade 1.
	Contacted to participate on expedition to robot planet.
	Acquires FGMP15 against proceeds of mission. 
	Brings back a ship, and sells it.  His share is 142,550,000 after
		paying for the FGMP15, and 62,550,000Cr after going in
		halves with his nephew Urtay Saln on a wholesale, armored,
		class 200 ship (8 years old).

Current skills:

Vac Suit 1, Navig 2, Engin 1, Medic 4, Admin 3, Comp 3,
Pilot 7, Ships Boat 1, Jack O'T 1, Electron 1,
Leader 2, Ship Tactics 1, Fleet Tac 2, Liason 2,
Handgun 4, Recruiting 1, Forgery 1, Bribery 1, Streetwise 1, Interrog 1,
ATV 1, High Energy weapon 1, Blade 1.

Weapon	Damage	Close Short Med Long VLong   0 Jack Mesh Cloth Refl Ablat Bat
------  ------  --------------------------   --------------------------------
ASnubHEAP  4D    +6    +7   -3    -    -     +2  +2  +1   -1    +3   +2    -3
PlasmaGun  6D    +1    +1    0    -2   -      0   0   0    0     0    0     0
FGMP15    16D     -     -   +6    +5   +5 (8D)4  +4  +4   +4    +4   +4    +3
Blade	   2D    +2    +2    -    -    -     +1   0  -4   -4    +1   -3    -5

Memberships, unusual possessions, armor, weapons, etc.
		(parenthesized wts. are carried, and add to 7kg)
8000Cr/yr retirement pay
FGMP15 (1kg) and Plasma Gun (1kg) with 50 spare power cells 
Battle Armor with Reflec underneath
Half interest in the "U18-0" yacht [8 yrs old, orig $199MCr]
Special auto snub pistol (fires 20 rounds) 100r HEAP, gas, tranq (tot 2kg)
Battle Armor
5 Slow, 10 Medical Slow, 12 Antidotes, 10 Fast Antidotes, 2 Fast, 
5 Truth, 10 Combat, 5 Anagathic
Spare suit of "street clothes" (actually Reflec and Cloth armor)
Watch, Compass, intertial loc, IR and LI goggles, Lockpick, Disguise -> 1kg
Dehydrated food for 2 days and a canteen of water (1kg)

Ship name: U18-0      Class: Tin Rabbit  (custom designed yacht)
Tech level: 15	      Laid down: 10 years ago   First Flight: 8 years ago
Class: YB	      Tonnage: 200		Configuration: Cone
Jump: 3		      Accel: 6			PowerPlant: 9 (=18EPs)
Computer: 5	      Backup computer: 1bis	Crew: min. of 1
Hull Armor: 15	      Sandcasters: 1		Meson screen: no
Nuc Dampers: no	      Force Field: no		Repulsors: no
Lasers: 4	      Energy weapons: no	Accel: no
Meson gun: no	      Missile launchers: 1	Magazine: no
Ship's vehicles: 4 boats: 10t, 3t, 1t, 1t     	Streamlined: yes
Fuel Tank: 80	      LHyd Tanks: 200ton	Scoop&purif: yes
MaxJumps: 4

Series 200 needle Hull. Engine 39; Fuel 80; Main 51; Hull Armor 32.
Hull Armor Factor 15 (32t);  Streamlined for in-atmosphere operation.
Engine compartment:
	Jump 3 (weighs 8t), Power 9 (weighs 18t), Maneuver 6 (11t)
	Purification plant to refine fuel (2t)
Fuel compartment:
	80t capacity. Jump 1/2/3 costs 20/40/60t. Cruising 4 weeks costs 20t.
	Scoops (to pull in gas giant atmos)
	L-Hyd disposable tanks holding 200t of fuel [Jump 1/2 costs 40/80t]
Main compartment:
	6 staterooms (2 of which are joined into one suite) (24t)
	8 low-passage berths (4t)
Computer 5 (no bridge, hence Computer factor is 4 during combat) and 1bis (6t)
	Programs: Manu/Evad 5, Targ, Laun, Multitarget 2, ECM, Return Fire,
	Gunner Interact, Predict 3, all routine programs (Jumps 1,2,3)
Cargo Hold 15t, currently holding: 
	MiniB  (10t boat: 3 couches and emergency cold for 4)
	MicroB (3t lifeboat: 2 couches and emergency cold for 4)
	PicoB1 (1t flitter: 1 couch)
	PicoB2 (1t flitter: 1 couch)
2 Hardpoints
	1t turret with 2 beam lasers and sand caster
	1t turret with 2 beam lasers and missile launcher
	27 sand, 27 missiles, 8 plasma blaster pistols (w/10 cells each)
	Assorted standard hand weapons (both guns and blades)
	2 RAM Auto-GL, 200 grenades of each type, 2 gauss rifles, Lt MRL
Agility 7.5


3 ton needle Hull. Engine .72; Fuel .27; Main 1.53; Hull Armor .48
Hull Armor Factor 15 (.48t);  Streamlined for in-atmosphere operation.
Engine compartment:
	Power 9 (weighs .27t), Maneuver 6 (.45t)
	Can operate on unrefined fuel with no penalty
Fuel compartment:
	.27 ton capacity. Capable of cruising 4 weeks.
	Scoops (to pull in gas giant atmos)
Main compartment:
	2 couches (1t)
	1 emergency low-passage berths (hold 4 people) (.5t)
Armory  (.03t = 150 lbs.)
	4 plasma blaster pistols (w/10 cells each)
	Assorted standard hand weapons (both guns and blades)
	1 RAM Auto-GL, 20 grenades of each type, 2 gauss rifles, Lt MRL
Agility 9


10 ton needle Hull. Engine 2.4; Fuel .9; Main 5.1; Hull Armor 1.6
Hull Armor Factor 15 (1.6t);  Streamlined for in-atmosphere operation.
Engine compartment:
	Power 9 (weighs .9t; .9 EPs), Maneuver 6 (1.5t)
	Can operate on unrefined fuel with no penalty
Fuel compartment:
	.9 ton capacity. Capable of cruising 4 weeks.
	Scoops (to pull in gas giant atmos)
Main compartment:
	3 couches (1.5t)
	1 emergency low-passage berths (hold 4 people) (.5t)
Computer 2 (2t)
	Programs: Auto-Evade, Targ, Launch, Library, ECM.
1 Turret: 2 sandcasters and 1 missile-launcher (1t)
Armory  (.1t)
	24 sand, 12 missiles, 4 plasma blaster pistols (w/10 cells each)
	Assorted standard hand weapons (both guns and blades)
	2 RAM Auto-GL, 200 grenades of each type, 2 gauss rifles, Lt MRL
Agility 9


1 ton needle Hull. Engine .24; Fuel .09; Main .51; Hull Armor .16
Hull Armor Factor 15 (.16t);  Streamlined for in-atmosphere operation.
Engine compartment:
	Power 9 (weighs .09t), Maneuver 6 (.15t)
	Can operate on unrefined fuel with no penalty
Fuel compartment:
	.09 ton capacity. Capable of cruising 4 weeks.
	Scoops (to pull in gas giant atmos)
Main compartment:
	1 couch (.5t)
Weapons locker (50lbs)
	1 plasma blaster pistol (w/10 cells)
	Dagger, blade, autosnub pistol, 10 grenades of each type
	Gauss rifle with electronic sights and RAM-GL, plus 15 such grenades
Agility 9


1 ton needle Hull. Engine .24; Fuel .09; Main .51; Hull Armor .16
Hull Armor Factor 15 (.16t);  Streamlined for in-atmosphere operation.
Engine compartment:
	Power 9 (weighs .09t), Maneuver 6 (.15t)
	Can operate on unrefined fuel with no penalty
Fuel compartment:
	.09 ton capacity. Capable of cruising 4 weeks.
	Scoops (to pull in gas giant atmos)
Main compartment:
	1 couch (.5t)
Weapons locker (50lbs)
	1 plasma blaster pistol (w/10 cells)
	Dagger, blade, autosnub pistol, 10 grenades of each type
	Gauss rifle with electronic sights and RAM-GL, plus 15 such grenades
Agility 9

Ship name: U18-0      Class: Tin Rabbit  (custom designed yacht)
Tech level: 15	      Laid down: 10 years ago   First Flight: 8 years ago
Class: YB	      Tonnage: 200		Configuration: Cone
Jump: 3		      Accel: 6			PowerPlant: 9 (=18EPs)
Computer: 5	      Backup computer: 1bis	Crew: min. of 1
Hull Armor: 15	      Sandcasters: 1		Meson screen: no
Nuc Dampers: no	      Force Field: no		Repulsors: no
Lasers: 4	      Energy weapons: no	Accel: no
Meson gun: no	      Missile launchers: 1	Magazine: no
Ship's vehicles: Tin Bee (15t fighter)		Streamlined: yes
Fuel Tank: 80	      LHyd Tanks: 200ton	Scoop&purif: yes
MaxJumps: 4

Series 200 conical Hull. Engine 39; Fuel 80; Main 51; Hull Armor 32.
Hull Armor Factor 15 (32t);  Streamlined for in-atmosphere operation.
Engine compartment:
	Jump 3 (weighs 8t), Power 9 (weighs 18t), Maneuver 6 (11t)
	Purification plant to refine fuel (2t)
Fuel compartment:
	80t capacity. Jump 1/2/3 costs 20/40/60t. Cruising 4 weeks costs 20t.
	Scoops (to pull in gas giant atmos)
	L-Hyd disposable tanks holding 200t of fuel [Jump 1/2 costs 40/80t]
Main compartment:
	6 staterooms (2 of which are joined into one suite) (24t)
	8 low-passage berths (4t)
Computer 5 (no bridge, hence Computer factor is 4 during combat) and 1bis (6t)
	Programs: Manu/Evad 5, Targ, Laun, Multitarget 2, ECM, Return Fire,
	Gunner Interact, Predict 3, all routine programs (Jumps 1,2,3)
Cargo Hold 15t, currently holding the Tin Bee, a 15t armored fighter
2 Hardpoints
	1t turret with 2 beam lasers and sand caster
	1t turret with 2 beam lasers and missile launcher
	9 sand, 12 missiles, 8 plasma blaster pistols (w/10 cells each)
	Assorted standard hand weapons (both guns and blades)
	2 RAM Auto-GL, 200 grenades of each type, 2 gauss rifles, Lt MRL
Agility 7.5

Tin Bee:

15 ton needle Hull. Engine 4.5; Fuel 2.25; Main 6.15; Hull Armor 2.1
Hull Armor Factor 15 (2.1t);  Streamlined for in-atmosphere operation.
Engine compartment:
	Power 15 (weighs 2.25t; 2.25 EPs), Maneuver 6 (2.25t)
	Can operate on unrefined fuel with no penalty
Fuel compartment:
	2.25 ton capacity. Capable of cruising 4 weeks.
	Scoops (to pull in gas giant atmos)
Main compartment:
	4 couches (2t)
	2 emergency low-passage berths (hold 8 people) (1t)
Computer 2 (2t)
	Programs: Auto-Evade, Targ, Launch, Library, ECM.
1 Turret: 2 sandcasters and 1 missile-launcher (1t)
Armory  (.15t)
	9 sand, 6 missiles, 4 plasma blaster pistols (w/10 cells each)
	Assorted standard hand weapons (both guns and blades)
	2 RAM Auto-GL, 200 grenades of each type, 2 gauss rifles, Lt MRL

Agility 15


15 ton needle Hull. Engine 6.25; Fuel 1; Main 6.15; Hull Armor 2.1
Hull Armor Factor 15 (2.1t);  Streamlined for in-atmosphere operation.
Engine compartment:
	Power 27 (4t; 4EPs), Maneuver 6 (2.25t)
	Can operate on unrefined fuel with no penalty
Fuel compartment:
	1 ton capacity. Capable of cruising only 1 week.
	Scoops (to pull in gas giant atmos)
Main compartment:
	3 couches (1.5t)
Computer 3 (3t)
	Programs: Auto-Evade, Targ, Launch, Library, ECM, Return Fire, 
	Manu/Evade 5, Predict 3
1 Turret: 2 beam lasers, 1 sand-caster (1t)
Armory  (.15t)
	9 missiles, 4 plasma blaster pistols (w/10 cells each)
	Assorted standard hand weapons (both guns and blades)
	2 RAM Auto-GL, 200 grenades of each type, 2 gauss rifles, Lt MRL
Agility 7


3 ton needle Hull. Engine .72; Fuel .27; Main 1.53; Hull Armor .48
Hull Armor Factor 15 (.48t);  Streamlined for in-atmosphere operation.
Engine compartment:
	Power 9 (weighs .27t), Maneuver 6 (.45t)
	Can operate on unrefined fuel with no penalty
Fuel compartment:
	.27 ton capacity. Capable of cruising 4 weeks.
	Scoops (to pull in gas giant atmos)
Main compartment:
	2 couches (1t)
	1 emergency low-passage berths (hold 4 people) (.5t)
Armory  (.03t = 150 lbs.)
	4 plasma blaster pistols (w/10 cells each)
	Assorted standard hand weapons (both guns and blades)
	1 RAM Auto-GL, 20 grenades of each type, 2 gauss rifles, Lt MRL
Agility 9


10 ton needle Hull. Engine 2.4; Fuel .9; Main 5.1; Hull Armor 1.6
Hull Armor Factor 15 (1.6t);  Streamlined for in-atmosphere operation.
Engine compartment:
	Power 9 (weighs .9t; .9 EPs), Maneuver 6 (1.5t)
	Can operate on unrefined fuel with no penalty
Fuel compartment:
	.9 ton capacity. Capable of cruising 4 weeks.
	Scoops (to pull in gas giant atmos)
Main compartment:
	3 couches (1.5t)
	1 emergency low-passage berths (hold 4 people) (.5t)
Computer 2 (2t)
	Programs: Auto-Evade, Targ, Launch, Library, ECM.
1 Turret: 2 sandcasters and 1 missile-launcher (1t)
Armory  (.1t)
	9 sand, 6 missiles, 4 plasma blaster pistols (w/10 cells each)
	Assorted standard hand weapons (both guns and blades)
	2 RAM Auto-GL, 200 grenades of each type, 2 gauss rifles, Lt MRL
Agility 9


1 ton needle Hull. Engine .24; Fuel .09; Main .51; Hull Armor .16
Hull Armor Factor 15 (.16t);  Streamlined for in-atmosphere operation.
Engine compartment:
	Power 9 (weighs .09t), Maneuver 6 (.15t)
	Can operate on unrefined fuel with no penalty
Fuel compartment:
	.09 ton capacity. Capable of cruising 4 weeks.
	Scoops (to pull in gas giant atmos)
Main compartment:
	1 couch (.5t)
Weapons locker (50lbs)
	1 plasma blaster pistol (w/10 cells)
	Dagger, blade, autosnub pistol, 10 grenades of each type
	Gauss rifle with electronic sights and RAM-GL, plus 15 such grenades
Agility 9